Things have been pretty status quo around here, and after a round of colds for most of us, we are back in the swing of things.
Hallowe'en was a great evening, my princess Ariel and her brother the Power Ranger ran from house to house for the first block of trick-or-treating, they were so excited. Watching their excitement almost made up for the daytime chaos; how do you entertain two children who are counting the minutes until the god of candy opens his coffers? And the next question is, how do I make all this candy disappear without letting my children, (or me), consume it all?
With the imminent cold and flu season, the last thing we need is a bunch of sugar to depress our immune systems.
In other news, Jacob is thriving at school now, and he reports having two friends. This has brought renewed confidence in all aspects of his life. He actually jumped off the diving board at swimming lessons last week! (His previous experience with the diving board being one of 'keep your distance...'). He seems to have settled in, and now that things on the bus are under control, he is loving school. We get a monthly newsletter from school that outlines their activities, and I find myself feeling a little left out. I pry details out of him every day, but I am missing so many great experiences in his life, it makes me a little sad. He's so big and learning so fast.
Grace is loving her gymnastics and swimming classes, and now that she is watching Jacob play hockey on Mondays, has decided it's time for her to play too. We'll try a round of skating lessons again and see what that does to her enthusiasm. The last round of lessons ended abruptly after 2 lessons and a lot of tears.
Yesterday was a great day. I sat in amazement, doing my own thing (ok, I was catching up on missed episodes of Gray's Anatomy), while my children played together, without fighting, for hours! A day to be marked in the history books! What a joy to see a future where days like this are possible!
My children are growing up so fast. What a precious gift I have been given!
Again, I count my blessings.
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